Meet Michael Affleck


Michael Affleck

Principal Securities Registered Representative
Financial Advisor
o:  512.401.0036 | e:
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With over 31 years of experience in the financial services industry, I have extensive knowledge in: 401(k), Pension, and Profit-Sharing plans, Group Health, Life, and Disability insurance, Section 125 (Cafeteria) plans, and Flexible Spending Accounts. I have utilized my experience in working with small to middle-market companies, as well as major corporations

My years of experience aid me in helping companies develop financial strategies to help fit their needs. My experience also allows me the knowledge to consider the cost-effectiveness and tax effects of specific products. In addition to qualified plan implementation, I assist businesses in creating both Executive Benefit and Business Continuation Programs. My experience includes: Bonus Compensation, Nonqualfied Deferred Compensation, and Split Dollar Programs as well as Key Person Coverage and Buy-Sell Agreements*.

I recently obtained an AIF® (Accredited Investment Fiduciary®) is an educational designation only, obtained by the holder by completing the requisite coursework.  The AIF Designation does not mean the holder is acting in a fiduciary capacity. . I have written and published articles in the Capitol Business Gazette. In my personal time, I enjoy sports, traveling and spending time with my family and friends.

*Although a Buy-Sell Review from Principal provides a valuable starting point, it does not provide you with a legal opinion as to the legal or tax implications of your agreement or to the appropriateness of any funding strategies. Principal cannot provide you with any legal document or revise existing legal documents. The review is intended to help identify your objectives for the buy-sell agreement and issues that must be addressed to help ensure those objectives are being met.